① Handling customer inquiries such as product introduction, business cooperation, consulting, and requested counseling
② Measures to prevent and sanction health hazards caused by customer abuse, etc. under the Occupational Safety and Health Act
① [Required] Email address, mobile phone number
① Stored for 3 years in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and then deleted
① Providing event and advertising information
① Optional: Email address, mobile phone number
① Until withdrawal of consent to receive marketing information
Magic Line for Web
Magic FIDO
Secu Face
Magic DID
Magic SDP
Magic RootCA
Magic CA
Magic RA
Magic OCSP
Magic SCVP
Magic TSA
Magic Crypto
Magic LTVS
Magic TSA AR
Magic XMLSecurity
Magic DVCS
Magic LineMD
Magic DBPlus
Magic CryptoBox
Magic KMS
Magic SSO
Magic EAM
Magic IAM
Magic QCyrpto
Magic TLS for PQC
Magic QKMI
Magic mVaccine
Magic TrustAPP
Magic vKeypad
Magic MRS
Magic SE
Magic xSign
Magic mOTP